
What is this thing my guinea pig has?

by  |  earlier

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i recently just inherited my guinea pig & it has a cyst thingy on its side, i tried looking up cyst, lumps, ect for guinea pigs. my mom took it the vet & he said that alot of times guinea pigs develop these cyst like things but if this is common why couldnt i find anything that looked remotely like what my pig has.

if someone can just look & let me know what you think. it seems like it might hurt him, he hates when i get near the area, he squeals. hay & bedding get stuck in it sometimes but not too often.




  1. Only one of the pcitures is working for me. I can tell whether its raised or not. To be honest, to be it looks like an abcess or cyst thats popped. When an abcess or cyst pops it formes like a crater. Because of the image I can see whether its raised like a lump or not.

    An abcess or cyst thats popped is very prone to infection as it leaves a large open wound, it doesn't look very good, and because its hurting him, I think he needs a proper vet. A regular vet won;t do the trick, you need to take him to an exotic vet who will do something about it. If it was an abcess a good vet would've flush and lanced it and given your guinea pig and antibiotic shot to prevent infection. The problem with most vets is that they don;t know a lot about guinea pigs, I lost a guinea pig due to this, and to make it worse the issue that killed my guinea pig could;ve been easily cured if they vet had given a correct diagnosis. If it was a cyst the vet would've palpated it.

    With the err thing on your guinea pig, is it actually a lump? If it is a crater then you need to clean it. Now whenever my pets have wounds and I am unabel to get a to a vet, I bathe them in a saline solution prevent infcetion. So boil some water and a add a little salt and use a q-tip or cotton wool to gently clean it cus it looks kinda icky. If it hurts you might wanna get someone to hold him. He will wriggle and he will squeal like someone is killing him, because it will sting but its for the best and it should do him good. Dry it off thoroughly and try to get an appointment with a vet who is experienceed with guinea pigs as they will be able to do something about this,

    Good luck :)

    Here is a picture of a cyst that has popped, the thing on your piggie seems a lot bigger.

  2. It looks like a cyst. But just keep an eye on it. If it gets worse take t to the vet again and tell them it got worse.

  3. Only the first picture of the area in question opened for me. Oh, and the last one of your cute little piggie! What a doll! :)

    Without having the pig in front of me & palpating the area, it appears to be Apocrine Gland Adenoma. If the open lesion has a flat, hard piece of tissue covering the opening, I can guarantee its filled with pus underneath. You will not be able to fix this yourself. The piggie needs to go to a qualified EXOTICS vet and have this surgically cleaned & removed. Antibiotics alone will not clear this up. He will need to be put on Bactrim for about 10 days and will need some Buprenex after the surgery for pain. The incision will heal completely within 10 days and he will be good as new!

  4. That doesn't look normal to me.


  5. Oh my god. It looks awful. I would find a better vet and have it removed esp. if he is getting things in it and possibly getting more infected.

    It reminds me of Spot  

  6. im sorry that doesnt look right to me instead of being here u need to take him to the vet right away

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