Yesterday me and 10 other people slept over at our friends house. And this is all true. This is my side of the story. Last night at about 2:30a.m. two members of the sleepover were singing loud and we were trying to sleep.So 5 of us went upstairs to sleep. At about 3:00 we here yelling and screaming coming from the basement.10 seconds later my friends door opens and our other friends were like "Theres something in the basement, it has a tophat, goat-e,mest up face,scary eyes, and has tall."We all freaked out so we tryd to go to sleep upstairs but couldnt except 2 peopel fell asleep. Its about 3:30 now and im getting bored but dont wanna sleep cause i was scared. So i say lets play some HALO 2! But we left it down stairs :-( .Then i said "Ill get it" and my friend said il come with you". So we go down the and all of the sudden the lights flicker and the door shuts and we cant get back up! There it was, the glowing ball flying around and then the ball transformed into the man. We Left!!