
What is this tool?

by Guest66807  |  earlier

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I found this in a grated bridge with the handle sticking straight up just waiting to puncture someone's tire so I turned around and picked it up. I was going to toss it but became curious as to what it actually is.




  1. it is for attaching metal stud to track etc. It punches a hole and locks the stud in place.

  2. It doesnt look like any sort of horseshoeing tool that Ive ever seen. My guess is that it is some sort of industrial punch....not sure though.

  3. Is there a brand name, or any writing on it?

  4. Looks like a blacksmith/horsemaker's tool

    but I'm not complete sure of function, purpose, or name.

  5. It looks like a eyelet or grommet applicator... you put the grommet in the holder, and then smash it closed with the "hook" end .  That or some sort of leather hole punch.
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