
What is this web technique called?

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What is it called when a domain name is the same for every page you visit within a specific site? Meaning when I go to site and click on a link it goes to a new page but the browser still just says with no new extension. I hope this makes sense.




  1. I think what you want is url masking.

  2. It is called "Cloaking"

    Basically it just makes a full page frame in which the new websites reside.

  3. This is typical of Java servlet sites (original J2EE architecture). All of your requests are processed by the same Controller servlet and are thus passed to the same resource and serviced by that resource. The request URL doesn't change, the response doesn't get redirected or forwarded to change the URL. The Controller class passes the request to some class that composes the response, the Controller receives the response's content back from the class, and finally the Controller returns the response.

    Check into MVC architecture and Java servlets, if you need more depth of understanding.

  4. Using a framesex for the index.htm file. All links open in the frame of, and so the address in the address bar does not change.

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