
What is this whole thing on Jesse Jackson talking about Obama when he thought the mikes were off?

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And isn't Oprah both in favor of both Jackson and Obama?




  1. Obama is the more successful version of Jesse Jackson...and jackson doesn't really like that.

  2. I think Jackson is kind of envious of Obama. Cute black boy who was brought up in a privileged life. Jackson doesn't think Obama should be talking to the masses about moral responsibility in the black experience. That he is not black enough perhaps.

  3. Jesse Jackson is jealous of Obama. He knew the mike was on.

    I dont remember watching this show other than the clips on the new.

    I think it was for publicity.

  4. Jesse Jackson is the voice for all Black people and he knew his mic was on..You don't see any Blacks complaining about what he said.. Just imagine if a white guy had said it.

  5. I'm glad to know that not all white people on Yahoo Answers are racists. Jesse Jackson does not speak for this black person. When will you ignorant persons who think that way get it through your heads? What Jackson said was ugly. He deserves all that he has coming to him.

  6. Not all blacks view things the same.  Their opinions differ on many things.  This is just their differences becoming very public.  You can keep a political face on only so long.  Every once in awhile you true feeling come out.

  7. Jesse Jackson said that Senator Obama should be castrated.

  8. Jesse Jackson has been a leader of black people for decades, deservedly so.  However his sphere of influence is a bit different now and Senator Obama gets more press coverage, this may be wistful for Rev. Jackson.  I do think it is curious though that someone of Rev. Jackson's experience, while in a studio, would not presume that EVERYTHING was being recorded.  In fact his stage whisper voice would seem to indicate that he had an awareness that the words he was speaking might indeed be volatile, otherwise, why whisper them?  I think it is genuine that Rev. Jackson would like Obama to win the Presidency and I think it's ALSO true that he has been truly indignant by some of the recent prose and style of speaking that Senator Obama has engaged in.  In a similar way parents can be annoyed, sometimes REALLY annoyed with specific behaviors of their kids, but that doesn't mean that they are turning their backs on them.

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