
What is this world coming to, how sick are some people?

by  |  earlier

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watch the following link

what more can we do to save the poor innocent children in this sick world.




  1. please don't show me stuff like this. now i am going to be depressed all day

  2. That made me cry.  I don't know what we can do to change the world.

    There are so many exploited and abused kids.  I can't imagine the horrors they go through.

    I was lucky enough to have had a stable and happy childhood and hope my children feel the same when they are older.

    My heart goes out to all those children.

  3. I am a grown woman but I know how it feels, even to this day it still hurts.

  4. i think the sentancing isn't suffcient, these aresholes have no deterrant

  5. This was so heart wrenching to watch then I watched Calebs story and cant stop crying

  6. have tests for people to become parents.

  7. umm im at work, i cant see, maybe that is a good thing. Child abuse really gets to me. really freaking bad!

  8. The British are notorious for "minding their own business",perhaps we could learn to be more aware of what is going on around us, Evey week we read of some child abuse that could have been prevented if only we had been a little 'nosier'

  9. Ask the ACLU that is defending the polygamist group in Texas, which means the ACLU considers OK that children are sexually abused.

  10. there are some sad b******s out there they should get back  10 times worse what they do to these kids

  11. Decode this lyrics " It's a mad, mad world"

    With GIGO-" Garbage in will get garbage out"

    With science and mathematics?

    Wil have WYSWYG - "What you see is what you get"

    When "You asked for it"

    All for the cheap-skate glory of science and mathematics.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  12. I can't watch the video. Child abuse is my number one weakness....... I have NO mercy for sick in the head people who HARM children. I will always feel and believe those people need to be put to death-end of story. No second chance.That goes for sick in the head people who murder other people. If this country would just set examples and sentence people to death who do harmful things to other people....I think there would be less crimes like that committed. The prisons are full of people who should NOT be alive........... all those tax dollars going to waste. What ever happened to good ole fashioned "hanging"....WEED OUT THE BAD AND KEEP THE GOOD..............

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