
What is this world coming to? I guess the founding fathers saw this coming huh? 2nd amendment..?

by  |  earlier

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Castle Doctrine, Imminent peril, Resonable belief,

Just good old Eye for an eye I guess...




  1. People may have the 2nd but do they have a pair to use it ? They are so dumbed down with TV and Meds they will be swept aside all to soon to use the 2nd ?

  2. It's not coming to anymore, it's here. Wars, countries with thermonuclear-capabilities expanding , evil dictators, energy crisis, environmental crisis, etc., etc.

  3. The 2nd amendment will stop being needed when there are no more criminals or tyrants in the world.  In other words it will always be needed.

  4. Nothing has changed, these things were necessary in 1176 and they are necessary now.

    There has always been evil people in the world and there still is.

  5. I agree that depending on who wins the election and what they try to do the militia will have to make the left wing come back in line and stop the Country from going socialist or communist.

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