
What is this world coming to a 12 year old stripper?

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Didn't the men see she was 12. I mean how can that turn you on. Yes some girls develop early but you can still tell a 12 y/o girl. Maybe not a girl who is 17 from 18 but deffinetly 12 from 18




  1. Ask the Houston school superintendent that had a 13 year old girl strip searched because some other girl in school accused her of offering two tylenols to other students!  She was forced to reveal her b*****s and pelvic area at school, and then of course the lower courts supported the nitwit super! Or what about another Texas school where a 14 year delivered a baby in the school rest room and then just flushed a live baby down the toilet! Other girls have reported they heard the child cry out, and now it's dead but the police haven't charged this 14 year old they just released her to her parents custody! Is there something in the water they drink in Texas that causes dementia to occur at ten times the usual rate?

  2. sad but true, there are people out there who like younger girls, and im sure those who saw this 12 year old stripper knew what they were doing and knew she was young, its not like they were clueless... thats just their defense. sickos!

  3. I blame the people who control us the public. They are satanic worshippers who worship Lucifer as their God. These people are very deceiving and manipulate the public using their media dominance.

  4. just goes to show how many phedo's we have and how we turn the other cheek,i find it IMPOSSIBLE that you can not tell the age of a girl so young,Even if she had dd breast,her face to normal people will be all the tell,as for the place,the owners are obviously into children and they should be executed  and the place torn down,we should no longer stand for this perversion,let them do what they want in other country's. they also grab women's butts on their subways in japan and that is OK by their standards..........if my daughter was 12 on stage stripping........well the owners would wake up in a box alive 6 feet under ground......that's a fact....i don't care if my kid ran away or not....

  5. Well, the age of concent in Japan is 13...


    (She told the story when she was on the Gram Norton Show - BBC)

    12 is Nasty... 13 is slightly better...

    Our society has a very distorted view of sexuality and age...

    Under 15? JUST WRONG...

    But we need to wake up and realize that just because we put a number on it, they will do what they want to do.

  6. They should definately be shut down for not legally employing her anyway, she would have had to show her ID and proof of ID wouldn't she. Isn't the pedophia? or something?

  7. ewwww....that is sooo freakin' gross, and she ran away from ome, and your right, y the heck didn't they notice it was a 12 year old?

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