
What is this world made of?

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can anyone tell me what really this world we are living in made of.




  1. the ideas that are circulated at the college level on the earth is that the core is mostly nickle and iron.  that has a density of 4.5

    the crust, which is pretty thick in terms of distance (at 25 miles roughly) has a density of 1.3 i think it is.   the density of the crust shows that the crust is made of star dust, that is meteors that burned apart and became dust that settle on the portion of the earth known as the mantle.

    the earth goes from center outward, core, mantle, crust.

    the geology of the crust is curious, and to my knowledge drilling by the russians is the deepest done to date. they had to develop new technology to drill to the depth they went, where the rock is actually plastic (that is melted, yet retains shape).  water of course turns to steam which means removing samples is all but impossible.

    the world in terms of people is also interesting.   the ancient greeks believed that the earth was made of 4 elements, earth, wind fire and water, though they acknowledged a fifth element, (mis-spelled) quintesences, which is the soul or spirit.

    they believed that if you fermented fruits, you got this fifth element and hense the reason alcholoic drinks are called spirits.

    the whole of the earth and the sky is most amazing, study

    Pat Z is not correct, when lava flows on the earth, it is not from the core, it is usually from the mantle, and is basalt, density 4.5 and leaves granite formation and-or other rock formations.    it is not uncommon to have crust material in it, but it is not crust material as a rule,

    there are huge flows all over the world, where this is born out.

    biology and geology are not the same

  2. chemichal elements!

  3. good and evil

  4. imagination and stone.

  5. Stuff.

  6. molecules.

  7. atoms

  8. I always thought it was nickel and gases but there's a lot more I'm sure.

  9. so many different materials



  10. mostly nothing.

  11. For you and our living and asking this question in yahoo answers.

  12. Cycle Of Generation,Operation & Destruction of World

  13. O.K.

    The boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dogs' tails.

    The girls are sugar and spice and everything nice.

    The world itself is a bunch of elements (too numerous to list but you can find them in the dictionary under "element table") and a hot magma core which sometimes seeps out when there's a volcanic eruption. Plus oceans and land masses full of all sorts of plant life.

  14. Good and evil.

  15. depends...physically its made up of gases, chemicals, elements & so on.....

    otherwise...the world is made up of living beings...if it wasn't this question would be irrelevent cus there would be no one to ask it....or any other question....which by the way keeps the world going. questions like can i have this job, is there something else out there for me, will you marry me, and is there another way?...questions keep life going & the world is inhabited by life.

  16. Stardust.

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