
What is this worm like thing coming out of this Cardinal Tetra (Got Pictures)

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What is this?




  1. DON'T FLUSH THE FISH. First of all, that fish has feelings and it would be cruel to flush it ALIVE. The damage is done, the fish is already in the general population of the tank and the other fish are probably infected, but not showing physical symptoms yet. Flushing or removing the fish won't solve the problem! Most parasites infect everything in the tank and every fish and item in the tank will need to be treated to prevent infection of other fish or future fish.

    Second, there are a lot of medications out there that you can treat your tank with such a Parasite Clear Tank Buddies by Jungle. You can pick this up at your Local Pet Store, or even Wal*Mart.

    I did a pretty extensive search and I didn't find anything that resembled your fishes problem. I don't know what to call it exactly. All I can suggest is to treat with the anti-parasite meds on the WHOLE tank. If all else fails ask There people on that forum are EXTREMELY knowledgeable and kind. They will help you as best they can with just about everything.

  2. something thats probably infecting the water.

    flush the fish.

  3. Not sure... but maybe you should start with...

    or maybe...

    ... as it looks VERY much like, as you said... a "worm". Parasitic? Almost certainly. You'd be wanting that fish and its passenger it out of the general population tank, if you ask me. Don't want it spreading more worm eggs about...

  4. I have the same fish (well actually i have 9 of them) i asked my local aquarium owner about them and he said the water was to acidic and needed to contain some more alkaline (it has something to do with stress he said), i'm am yet to buy the product to change this. I hope this helps. =]

  5. take it to the vet. clean your tank and clean your other fisha nd seperate them

  6. You can't see in the photos very well. I don't know what it could be but I will suggest that if you have other fish in the same tank to remove the sick one until you figure out what it is.

  7. The typical way!

    Get your fish out... Use a warm piece of towel n quickly remove it. It seem like a worm attacked ur fish because of dirty water.

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