
What is this?A ghost,or,an orb...?

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  1. I didn't see the "orb". Mostly likely the shadow was caused by one of the cats moving between the light source and the cage. With his back turned to the light source, the cameraman wouldn't have noticed what the real cause was.

  2. A. Ghost

    B. Orb

    C. None of the above

    Answer C.

    There is no visible orb in the traditional sense of the word and there is certainly no apparition of anything once living (human or any other animal).

    This is an example of why the locations of everyone (including dogs,cats, pets) should be carefully recorded in any investigation. It also wouldn't hurt to use wide angle shots during investigations that show the locations of the investigators.

    There is certainly a shadow that appears for a short time which could be an unnoticed animal or another person moving into the light enough to cast a shadow and then backing away. Of course it could also be photoshopped if it was shot with a digital recorder.

  3. i think its just a light

  4. I think its a ghost

  5. A shadow, of what - it is hard to tell.

  6. I can't say for sure, but I see no reason to think it's either.

  7. Orb

  8. I didn't really see anything either.

    An orb would have made some movement-there was none.

    The shadow just seemed to be a shadow.

    And the "orb" is a light.

  9. You have a really nice video of a spirit. Orbs are balls of energy that are often around ghosts. So you have both.  What kinds of paranormal things are you experiencing at your house?

    You might try to bait it and try to get some EVP.


    Kankakee Paranormal Research Illinois

    ISPI Investigations Illinois

  10. this is a class a hob goblin

  11. it looks like a shadow person. An orb would be more like a ball that glows slightly and floats.

  12. that is a flash light- orbs are small

    and round

  13. Just a shadow of someone.

  14. Is this a trick question? Most paranormal investigators insist that dust orbs are ghosts.

    And you should accept that, because its the closest anyone will come without hoaxing to really capturing a ghost on film.

    Ahhhh dust.

  15. dont no, i didnt see anything

  16. Looks like a shadow from a person walking past the person holding the camera, to the side of the person.

    Its definitely not an orb, and a shadow person wouldn't be that low to the ground.

  17. There's a light in front of where the camera is pointed. The person holding the camera moved in a way that his shadow shows up on the floor in the footage. It's all a trick of the light, no ghost or orb. By the way, even if it was an orb that does not mean that it is a ghost. An orb is a ball of energy and is created naturally.

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