
What is thunder actually?And how far can it be heard?

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What is thunder actually?And how far can it be heard?




  1. Thunderstorms often occur at the end of hot, sticky summer days. At this time, warm moist air rises quickly and forms large cumulonimbus clouds. Inside these tall dark clouds, air currents create strong updraughts and water droplets and ice particles rub against each other. As they bang together  it causes a build-up of static electricity. Lighter, positive charges gather at the top of the cloud and heavier, negatively-charged pieces of ice and water accumulate at the base. The ground below is also positively charged. Electricity flows between the charges and the difference between them increases. When the differences get big enough, they are neutralised and electricity is released as a flash of lightning. You can work out approximately how far away a storm is by counting the number of seconds between seeing a flash of lightning and hearing the thunderclap. Because light travels faster than sound, the sound of the thunder will take about 2 seconds to travel 1 km. Therefore for every 2 seconds you count, the storm is 1 km away. If it is close, the thunder will sound like a loud crack, whereas if it is further away, it will sound more like a low rumble.

  2. it the sound of lighting. and it can be heard from many miles away

  3. thunder is just really big static electricity and it could be heard from miles away.  check out this site it tells you all about it.

  4. The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning. In turn, this expansion of air creates a shock wave which produces the sound of thunder.

    Thunder is seldom heard at distances over 24 kilometers (15 miles).

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