
What is time anyway? ?

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Other than a construct of the human psyche in an attempt to understand him/herself in the cosmos.




  1. a measurement of something relative and unstoppable

  2. A single ordering of all existent instantaneous events according to the ordering principle of a being's choices regarding the inevitable future from a list of hypthetical outcomes.

  3. There are at least 2 dozens or more definitions of TIME. Look them up in the dictionary.

    To me 'time' is simply a dimension (one of six, in terms of empirical standards), which can be measured or derived. And time involves or depends on motion and speed. We just cannot freeze time unless we can travel beyond the speed of light, and at such a speed we will be reduced to smithereens!

  4. Time is a component of a measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects.

    Such as a second which is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.


  5. Make no label for it. Then you will understand.

  6. Time is a clever illusion.

  7. Actually it is nothing since God is infinite and He made night and day not time.Also since in essence we are basically is away to mark time and keep some order to the day.

  8. That is it, exactly!  A simple way of mapping all of the moments of each day.  I like to think of it as a snapshot, when referring to a moment - and like a picture taken, it is done!  I Love time travel, though, as a great contrivance for Sci-Fi movies!

  9. Time was created for us..

    When God  created the whole of creation, he made time and we are subject to time and it's effects..

    God is in eternity and not subject to the effects of time.

  10. Time is simply the measurement of change.  It is not a "thing" in itself...only a measurement.

  11. The way we measure the distance between events. We live in the eternal now, according to metaphysicist's.

  12. Nothing, really. You nailed it on the head. It is a humanistic method of record keeping.
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