
What is to say he won’t go back on what Ramos Horta wants.?

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How confident would you need to be in what Rerden told you ?

East Timor President Jose Ramos Horta says the four-month man-hunt for rebel leader Major Alfredo Reinado will be called off.

"The Attorney-General and Reinado's official representative should start a dialogue, facilitated by the church, as soon as possible to see what conditions are needed to be met for Reinado to give himself and all weapons in his possession up to justice," Dr Ramos Horta said.

The Nobel peace laureate says the decision was made after he met with the Australian head of the United Nations mission in East Timor, Brigadier Mal Reardon, East Timor's military chief, the Prosecutor-General, Parliamentary Speaker and bishops.

It was reported on Thursday, 01 March 2007, that East Timor

Prosecutor General Longuinhos Monteiro said he is awaiting the response from Alfredo to meet him as the State negotiator and not as Prosecutor General. Following a meeting with ISF commander Brigadier Malcolm Rerden, Prime Minister Ramos-Horta and President Xanana Gusmão at the Palácio das Cinzas, Monteiro said the negotiation would be on the surrender of Alfredo or the hand over of guns.

It was also reported on Thursday, 01 March 2007, that East Timor ISF Commander Brigadier Rerden said there is no longer negotiation with Alfredo Reinado.

So around 01 March 07, Rerden was at a meeting with the Prosecutor-General. Then he seemed to contradict what the Prosecutor-General wanted to do.

What is to say he won’t go back on what Ramos Horta wants.

There are too many shadowy background figures

- Atul Khaire UN rep

- Taur Matan Ruak defence force chief

- Lere Anan Timor army chief

- International Crisis Group – Sophia Carson





  1. thats avery long questin dont excpect answers..hope it helped

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