
..... What is toner?

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What is toner? Is it a good product to have?

I have some pimples on my forehead and I was wondering if toner would just clog them up and make them worse.

What are some good brands of toner that I could buy?




  1. I think of toner as basically an alcohol free astringent. It's very gentle and cleans up any makeup that your cleanser might have missed. I really like L'oreal Hydrafresh toner.

  2. Toner would cover up pimples very well. Toner just helps if you have uneven skin tones. If you want to cover up pimples then get concealer and foundation.

  3. Here is the best short and sweet answer ever--

    Toner- Removes facial oils, usually applicated with a cottonball, is liquid, prevents pimples

  4. Toner is a lotion that cleanses the skin, by removing the dirt and oil. While it is a great product, it is best used with a acne wash first, then the toner.

    Proactive has a great one, as does Neutrogena.

  5. toner is a liquid [yes a liquid, not a cream] that you put on before moisturizer, and after cleansing. it takes off all of the residue that is left from the cleanser. nivea makes a good one.
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