
What is touch ruby? how do you play touch ruby?

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What is touch ruby? how do you play touch ruby?




  1. It's a good way to develop bad habits in playing an awesome game.

  2. You dont have to tackel te players you only have to touch them then you get te ball to play.

  3. It's like flag football in America.  They use a strip of cloth attached to their uniforms.  They play is in progress until the cloth is pulled from the uniform by a member of the other team.

  4. its a blast...just like regular rugby but instead of gettin takled you get tagged....after getting tagged you get 2 seconds to pass the ball to another player

  5. First of all, find someone called Ruby. Then I guess theres some touching involved. As most people called Ruby are female, it's a fun game.

    Seriously, it's a lesser-contact version of Rugby Union.

  6. Do you mean touch rugby. If so, look at

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