
What is trifecta horse race betting?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I recently started horse race betting, and would like to know, how trifecta horse race betting functions. Any generous help on trifecta horse race betting would be highly appreciated.




  1. The following real-life data deals with to-win, exacta, and trifecta  betting at horse racing tracks across United States and Canada on Sunday, October 5, 2003. (Some tracks, especially Canadian, use the terms exactor for 'top 2 finishers' and triactor for 'top 3 finishers'.) A number of 236 races offered the trifecta wager. A number of 275 races offered the exacta wager. One track (El Comandante) was excluded, for always paying insignificant amounts ($3.95 for a trifecta???).
    All payoffs are for a $2 bet.

    Total trifectas (triactors): 236
    Total amount paid for trifectas (triactors): $170,396.35
    AVERAGE trifecta (triactor) payout: $722
    Standard deviation: 2349.25
    Minimum trifecta (triactor) payoff: $17.80
    Median trifecta (triactor) payoff: $221
    Maximum trifecta (triactor) payoff: $26,914 (Belmont Park).

    Total exactas (exactors): 275
    Total amount paid for exactas (exactors): $24,706
    AVERAGE exacta (exactor) payout: $96.13
    Standard deviation: 271.22
    Minimum exacta (exactor) payoff: $3.80
    Median exacta (exactor) payoff: $221
    Maximum exacta (exactor) payoff: $3,826 (Belmont Park)

    Total 'to win' races: 272
    Total amount paid for 'to win': $3,076.3
    AVERAGE 'to win' payout: $11.31
    Standard deviation: 10.23
    Minimum 'to win' payoff: $2.30
    Median 'to win' payoff: $8
    Maximum 'to win' payoff: $69.30.

    Interesting statistics for the favorite horses, as in the 'betting choice'. The favorites won 103 races out of 272 or 37.87% of the time. Most wins of the favorite horses come in small races (6 or fewer horses). The payouts were significantly lower.
    Total 'to win' races with the favorites winning: 103
    Total amount paid for 'to win' with the favorites winning: $475.70
    AVERAGE 'to win' payout with the favorites winning: $4.62
    Standard deviation with the favorites winning: 1.35
    Minimum 'to win' payoff with the favorite winning: $2.30
    Median 'to win' payoff with the favorite winning: $5
    Maximum 'to win' payoff with the favorite winning: $8.40.

    The non-favorites won 169 races out of 272 or 62.13% of the time. The payouts were significantly higher.
    Total 'to win' races with the non-favorites winning: 169
    Total amount paid for 'to win' with the non-favorites winning: $2,600.60
    AVERAGE 'to win' payout with the non-favorites winning: $15.39
    Standard deviation with the non-favorites winning: 11.11
    Minimum 'to win' payoff with the non-favorite winning: $4.20
    Median 'to win' payoff with the non-favorite winning: $11
    Maximum 'to win' payoff with the non-favorite winning: $69.30.

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