
What is true forgiveness? Two Thieves on the cross. One accepted Jesus the other did not?

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Death penalty?! ( o _ 0 ) Look you nimrod and yes I called you a nimrod. I'm asking a serious question here. No one forced you to reply so keep it moving. And no I'm not a Christian. I'm asking because I want to know "True Forgiveness." If you have an issue with the death penalty, that's a discussion for another time and place. Take your agenda some where else.




  1. IF you accept Jesus you are saved. So you are happy.

  2. The one who accepted jesus was forgiven. Which means he did not have to go to h**l. He suffered the pain because he gave in to sin and the court back then(which was not completely right) believed he should die. The pain on earth is caused by us by giving in to sin. Jesus died because others hated him because they chose to hate. God did not punish the thief. The court did.

  3. C'mon now. Jesus told him personally he was going to Heaven. If that's not forgiven, what is?

  4. That was truly a remarkable story. Unfortunately, I don't form opinions based on fiction.

  5. Even though I'm not religious, from what I remember what Jesus sad to him he was to see him that same day in Heaven. But yes, I suppose from that viewpoint he could have let it stop and end the forgiven thief's bodily suffering prematurely (before death came about). So I suppose from a Christian point of view he still needed to suffer his sins by continuing to suffer physically on that cross. Just my view,

  6. true forgiveness still does NOT negate consequences.  

  7. nutjob kooties.

    Carnally this guy paid the price. I think he might have had that extra oomph ya know peace of mind. I do not interpret the bible literally since a lot of it is in parables. The other two went knowing s**+. was waiting.

  8. Is this how you crazy people justify the death penalty?

  9. Axis and Attitude best explain the relationship of Christ and forgiveness.  Depending on axis and attitude a airplane takes off, flies, and lands.  Perception of attitude facilitates a pilot to adjust controls for transition to the next phase of flight.   Visual or instrument horizons indicate attitude and axis.  Christ is an air traffic controller.

    The Condemned Men had opportunities to change their attitude toward their fate.  Eternal Bliss or Perilous Turmoil are choices of the human condition.   Safe flight or crashing is a matter of operating the controls.

    It is interesting how many select the options of adversity.  People who know no other parameter are comfortable in penal institutions.  The resolve to endure danger ignoring the indicators of safe flight.  Failure to observe safety procedures increases the risks of crashes or mishaps.

    Another pilot sensing the plane being off course or in the wrong attitude will bring the aircraft within the guidelines of safety to anticipate proper landing.

    Recognition of opportunities for salvation is the Blessing of the human condition.

    One condemned man wished to soar into the comfort and safely of eternity.

    Another chose to risk crashing into an abyss.

  10. The thief was executed by people, not by God.  The thief was truly forgiven by God, but punished according to Roman law.

  11. He paid for it with mortal suffering.

    Everyone's gonna give you diff. answers, but look, if it's good enough for the son of Chrisst then hey!  

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