
What is true love? How to maintain a good relationship?

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What is true love? How to maintain a good relationship?




  1. true love is putting what's best for both of you first, (not just what's best for you or best for him).  

    maintain a good relationship by learning to communicate (which includes knowing when to shut up), learning to trust yet respecting each other's space and of course, do not be afraid to be hot.

  2. Love is love there is nothing true or false about it. Either u love some one or u do not love some one.

    And how to maintain good relationship is two way task. Give and take. To take of care of your loved one, respect and fulfill his/her desires, ignore own like/dislike and make partner happy, trust your partner and believe in him/her  can make the relationship alive and healthy. And while doing all these for partner u r secretly expect all these from him/her too.

    So maintain some relationship both partner has to  think about each other's requirements. Relationship is the partnership to share happiness and sorrow with each other.

  3. There are two keys for the woman to maintain a good relationship.

    1 - Don't nag.

    2 - keep your man 'satisified'

    If you do those two things - life will be good.

  4. True love only exists between me and you, Angel.  You don't need to maintain our relationship, i'll love you no matter what x*x

  5. GOOD QUESTION....i'd ike to say, "true love" would be llike someone you couldn't imagine your life without they are your everything.not only that, but your connected in so many levels and spiritually. Like hopefully you think you found your soulmate.

         Maintaining a good relationship and that passion, is another story.If you don't have a good foundation and open communication, and accept eachother for your diffences ---good and bad, it strains after a while. i've had some crazy relationships the ones you think you can fix, or the person would change. But they don't. Maybe for a minute unless they truely want to change.guess i'm holding out for my soulmate because i've seen it and then it should just be easier........

  6. true love doez not even mean physical...


    feeling to like ur partner more thn urself...

    to maintain a good relation ship u just gotta have true love for him..

    cause whn u love him more than u then u will undrstand him nd there are fewer chancez of fitingg!!!....


  7. to me

    true love is something you never have to ask "Is this true love" when it happens you don't have to ask you just know! and yes true love can hurt you too!

    to maintain a good relationship make sure you utilize these three elements

    Passion -- need passion to keep the sparks alive!!

    Trust - if you don't trust then you will assume bad things

    Communication - how can you understand one another if you don't talk it out!  there are no such thing as mind readers in relationships!!

    someone also said money -  i think that's more of a business deal ! more couples fight over money so just make sure you understand each other!

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