
What is tsunami?

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What is tsunami?




  1. Tsunami is a Japanese word for harbor wave.Mostly it was affecting the coastal area of Japan it was named in Japanese language.The character. It will produce long wave of several k/m length in the sea.It will travel to any distance say even up to about 4000 k/m at a speed of about 800 k/m per hour until it touches the shore. It will cause heavy damage to the people and the buildings located near sea shore.The height of the wave will increase enormously once it reaches the shore. It can not be noticed by ships and boats in the mid sea.The upward movement of tectonic plate due to earthquakes under sea is the main cause for creating Tsunami. There can also be some other rare incident like land slide and volcanic eruption under sea  may also create.

  2. A tsunami is a large wave, usually caused by an underwater earthquake or a landslide, but it can also be an unusually large tidal wave.

    Try searching it on Google.  A lot easier.

  3. large tidal wave, that was on who wants to be a millionaire just like 30 minutes ago =p

    a 4000$ question

  4. A large tidal wave; mini hurricane; related to a tropical storm
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