
What is turbulence's?

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What is turbulence's?




  1. Turbulence is a region of rapidly moving air currents that converge or diverge in such a way that aircraft are subject to abrupt, irregular movement.  Expressions like "bumpy" or "choppy" are commonly used to describe the feel of these movements.

    These air currents are usually caused by different types of air masses colliding, in the way they do along warm and cold fronts; thus turbulence is commonly associated with squalls and thunderstorms.

    Turbulent air movement can also be caused by rising air above heated areas on the surface (thermals), by transitions between land and sea air masses, by wind spilling over the edges of mountain ridges, and by the recent passage of large airplanes moving at low speeds (wake turbulence).

  2. Turbulence is air movement that normally cannot be seen. It may occur when the sky appears to be clear and can happen unexpectedly. It can be created by any number of different conditions, including atmospheric pressures, jet streams, mountain waves, cold or warm fronts, or thunderstorms

    Things that cause it..

    Thermals - Heat from the sun makes warm air masses rise and cold ones sink.

    Jet streams - Fast, high-altitude air currents shift, disturbing the air nearby.

    Mountains - Air passes over mountains and causes turbulence as it flows above the air on the other side.

    Wake turbulence - Near the ground a passing plane or helicopter sets up small, chaotic air currents, or

    Microbursts - A storm or a passing aircraft stirs up a strong downdraft close to the ground.

  3. I'm not sure the context of what you're trying to saying.  Turbulance is a term for when you are flying in an airplane and the plane is hitting clouds and bumpy weather and the plane rocks and isn't smooth, this is when they put the seat belt sign on.  Turbulent can be a word describing anything - water, storms, arguments, conversations etc.  Meaning rocky, stormy, unsafe, etc.

  4. Turbulence is the up-and-down air currents that help to mix the air in the troposphere. It is usually mentioned in the context of airplane flights, where these air currents can feel like "bumps in the road" while flying. Turbulence can occur in the lowest part of the troposphere during the daytime when heating of the sun causes convective mixing of the air. Once the airplane rises above this turbulent "boundary layer", the air becomes smoother. But other processes can also cause these up- and down-drafts. One example is convective clouds. If an airplane must fly through a thunderstorm, these updrafts and downdrafts can be very strong. There is also "clear air turbulence", which can also become very strong. This usually occurs near jet streams, where rapidly changing wind speeds with height can combine with an unstable air layer to cause "waves" of up and down motion in this air layer.

  5. Don't let anyone tell you it is when you hit air pockets. There is no such thing as an "air pocket"
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