
What is turnover of a company?

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What is turnover of a company?




  1. The turnover of a company is the total sales proceeds received over a financial year of calculation for statistical and other financial purposes for determination of its strengths, volume, number of cycles per year and many more financial parameters.

    A good turnover actually shows good business and good management of a company.

  2. turnover is ultimately sales of the business

  3. Simply put, Turnover is the volume of business over a period of time.

    It is also the ratio of workers in a company that have been replaced over a period of time, to the average number of workers.

    If a company is selling goods, it is also the number of times that their inventory of goods is sold over a given period.

    For a company, the ratio of annual sales to inventory; or equivalently, the fraction of a year that an average item remains in inventory. Low turnover is a sign of inefficiency, since inventory usually has a rate of return of zero. here also called inventory turnover. For a mutual fund, the number of times per year that an average dollar of assets is reinvested.

  4. Sales.

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