
What is uk money notes made from??

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What is uk money notes made from??




  1. Linin.

  2. Paper which is treated with a mixture of chemicals, these chemicals and the amount used is highly classified  

  3. Currently on high quality special paper. Just think the Nigerians are well ahead of us. They have theirs printed on polymer which do not tear and last much longer. It's about time we came into the 21st century!

  4. Fraudsters know its made from paper.. And has cotton fibres etc in it..

  5. Paper.

  6. Do you mean 'What ARE UK money notes made from?'?  If that is your question, yes, they are made from paper.

  7. Paper, ink and silver

  8. Paper that is why a lot are destroyed. Here is 2007 figures for damaged notes:

    2007 Torn/part note 19,788 £2,303,000

      Chewed/eaten  4,748 £92,000

      Washed  2,826 £73,000

      Contaminated  4,295 £35,381,000

      Fire/flood damage  1,454 £2,407,000

    Total: 33,111  Total: £40,256,000

  9. i think special paper, silver leaf, cotton fibres and ink

  10. Very special high-grade paper which is made in Wales, and transported under armed-police guard to a small village in Hampshire, where my friends' father used to work - in the early nineties, his was the signature on bank-notes in the UK (J.O. Paige)

         If forgers were to get hold of the paper, their notes would be perfect - currently they have to make the notes, and leave them soaking in eggs to try to get the correct feel to them!

  11. Ah so you fancy a bit of "make your own" eh.

    Good luck you are going to need it.  

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