
What is under my shed?

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What critter is under my shed?

We have had a lot of rain, but not floods like some of other states have. My back yard is gravel, I share a rock fence with my neighbor they have weeds as tall or almost as tall as the fence about 5 or 6 ft.

My problem is something is under my shed it has dug a whole and tunneled under my shed, my husband open up the shed and there was almost a wheelbarrow full of dirt inside. The critter chewed through the wooden floor.

My husband pulled up the entire floor and we saw the tunnels but did not see the critter. He filled the tunnels and repaired the floor first he put down poison under the floor into the tunnels .We bought a cage trap and put it with peanut butter on the outside where it had tunneled the next morning the hole was back?? We have caught small field mice and one big mouse but I do no think they are responsible for this. It has become war now and I am afraid to go out side. He also put a hose down into the hole and tried to fumigate it with the car exhaust. By the way we live in NM.




  1. By your description it sounds like a Gopher.

    When I think of Gophers I can't help but remember the very funny movie called Caddyshack. Where the greenskeeper (Bill Murry) but explosives down all of the Gophers holes and tries to blow the Gopher up. Then at the end of the movie you see the Gopher emerge unharmed and starts dancing to Kenny Loggins "I'm All Right"

    I wouldn't recommend doing what the greenskeeper (Bill Murry) did in the movie.


  2.   Do ya'll have armadillows out there. It sounds like one . Try moth balls under the shed , animals hate the smell.

  3. Ground hog or gopher?
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