
What is up im completely confused?

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I'm 15 i had depression to the point where i had a suicide attempt, but that's in the past. Just recently i have been feeling really lonely, but the thing is people say I'm really popular and outgoing. i don't know what is going on any help?




  1. You are probably maturing at a faster rate than your peers and could be finding it difficult to relate with them as well as you did before. There is also the possibility that your hormones are all over the place as you are a teenager.

    Please google a short piece called Desiderata. It should help you a lot at this time. When you think you have understood everything it is trying to say to you then focus. Focus on strengths not weaknesses. Focus on positives, not negatives.

    Please try to remember also that nothing lasts forever - this part of your life will soon pass, hormones will settle down and life really will smooth out.

    Best wishes for now and your future. UK

  2. Well, what do you think?

    If people say that does it really mean that?

    But what if you are? Maybe you're not seeing the good parts of your popularity, if we can't look at the positive side of things we usually can't bring ourselves to beat our depression.

  3. Hi,

    The feelings you're having is very common in teenagers as they seek acceptance and being able to have something to hold on to. being popular and outgoing does not mean that you're satisfied within. You're constantly questioning yourself what could you do to satisfy others. However, once that "event," such as a party, a game, etc, is over, you feel as if there's nothing left for you. There's nothing in which you've gained that meets your expectations and satisfaction. Part of it may be being too self-conscientious, too much dissatisfaction with your surroundings, and too much hatred towards yourself. You may be constantly questioning everything by complaining, whining, and of course, creating problems of non-existence.

    For example, you just had an amazing night at a football game. You laughed... you enjoyed your surroundings... you had tons of company... but when you get home... there's that guilt of "what to do now???" You exaggerate everything by making yourself believe a delusional thought of what if no one cares for me? Deep down, I believe this has much to do with your bonding with your family.

    Thus, I highly recommend that you seek an immediate support with your psychiatrist or psychotherapist. If you feel suicidal or homicidal, please call 911 or take yourself to the emergency room.

    Good Luck!


  4. i think that you should talk to like a councler or something

  5. depression totally sucks and i kno that ive been there and i know what you mean when you say you feel lonely even though every1 says your popular, im 15 too. well neway the point is that you have to look at the bright side to things.

    try and find a really good friend and hang with them, having a bunch of people around you who dont know the real you is like being in an empty room some times. so get to know someone and gain a really close freind, talk to your parents about how you feel.

    I think this happens after depression, because it happened to me to, its normal, but you will get through it.

    Good Luck and God bless

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