
What is up the ying yang mean?

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What is up the ying yang mean?




  1. ying and yang is the symbol for "Taoism" it's a religion found usually in Asia. ying and yang are a symbol for opposites, like hot and cold, big and small etc.

    heres what the symbol looks like:

    (it's black and white meaning opposites.)

    that's the history behind ying and yang

    but the one you're referring to is a slang word phrase meaning overwhelmed or over-worked.

  2. It is actually Yin-Yang.  It represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen.

  3. Peace and Love.

    Hope I helped!!

  4. I don't know what it translates to but I know in eastern cultures represents 2 forms of energy. yin is for female and yang is for male. they are both found in females and males though. they exist both even within a cell. having to much of either one is not good is better for them to be balanced. someone that has to much yang may appear angry sometimes hyper and stressed, whereas having to much yin may appear weak fatigue sad. in order to have balance is good for people that r stressed and angry to relax like meditation massage, someone too weak should exercise to increase yang. Yoga is a great example of balance of energy because there is strength and relaxing exercise involved. the way those energies flow are yin from earth to heaven and yang from heaven to earth. they are always opposite. there so many other things that eastern medicine specially chinese, explains in a whole different way that is amazing if you follow slowly you see such difference in health. and whatever ijc said to

  5. It's a slang euphemism for up the, er, r****m.  However, it isn't used in a literal sense.  It means "in excessive quantities".  The more common way of putting it is "out the ying yang".

  6. To be overwhelmed, overloaded. Anytime your hands are full.

    ex in sentence: I got worked up the ying yang

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