
What is up with all the Indians bringing up to me!?

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OKAY! I know i might sound crazy but just hear me out... I live with my aunt- aunt's house- aunt met an Indian guy who talks like s****. doo, not entirely Indian but sri lankan, he helped he fixed this computer and me and the rest of my family- my lil bro, mom and my aunt's daughter and son; we or I got along with him okay! but he started living in the house that i live, but not entirely but like every couple of nights! and then he stayed in longer, even walking around without his shirt on! i wanted to tell him but it just seems so odd! i know we need more communication but i just dont know how to connect with his like cultural etiquette, maybe in his culture- where he came from every house when offered is free! he even used my hair clipper one time but the thing that annoys me most was that he and my aunt started calling themselves "mahal" (love in tagalog) and some other silly stuff, mahal is also the name of our dog! which is pretty sad. So he lives for a couple of days and comes back again to stay at the weekends (which really frickin bugs me!) his bag i can even see in the patio meaning hes sleeping over again! (last time he snores so loud but now he doesnt seem to snore, i guess its the love of my aunt) but its silly though she has a son and daughter, my cousins who seem stupid enough to just let him take over them like that and our house, i can see he starts giving my aunt and bringing his stuff slowly inside our house- like that lava lamp, and his silly remote control plane which is just a waste of money, he gave us this horrible chair that makes my back hurt (he replaced it with our old computer chair so now im sitting on it i dont even know where its been) and now i think his aggression is towards me now! long have i wanted to question him on why he walks around without a shirt on (sometimes when its hot) long has struck me up to ask him curiously on what does he want! but i see if he keeps doing this my mom, little brother (10) and i (17) is going to have to move to an apartment; god forbid not because i live near my highschool and i need this one time to just finish my senior year! so everything is shifting! i think God is testing my mind and temper and soul! but thats not it- Indian and Indian culture are starting to come up to me! like today my Canadian friend gave me this Indian music cd whom he said "its gonna help u draw man!", indians are starting to show up everywhere, a sudden youtube video about indians i saw, i mean i think its a sign! signs about indians! i think its because i listend to that song govinda by kula shaker but still! what can i do to learn from this and to hold my temper and just relax until this shift of my life changes- i need some kind of peer mediation but maybe you can help?

ill post much detailed story later or if u can add me or email me, cheers!

17 year old struggling to trust The Secret and the pursuit of happiness, catholic, eco friendly, good person




  1. I don't know what your question. Sounds like you just want to voice your opinion.

    It is your Aunts house and you are a guest so in actuality, you don't have much to say about who she keeps company with. I do understand your frustration but at your age, it won;t last. As soon as your out of school you can bid your Aunt goodbye. Just tolerate it unless it gets abusive.

    I like Indian music, it is soothing to me. Just hope all goes ok for you and you can relax.

  2. i think this is a rude question. im indian, and im not exactly sure why white people hate us so much. ok i know there are some that smell bad and stuff, but you can find white guys who smell that bad too, just go on the street of san francisco. its not part of the indian culture to be like that, the guy is just a plain free loader. so don't go about judging indian people, just because the one you know is bad. you can find good and bad in every culture and race. and at least we don't get ourselves into trouble by doing drugs and drinking.  

  3. Too long...................

  4. Tie him downs and force a Big Mac down his throat.  He'll never come back.

  5. Time to move out soon Gunga Din! Don't let it bring you down. it sounds like he makes your Aunt happy. (probably keeps her pacified on opium) I walk around with out a shirt on myself. I'm not sure why i just like to take my shirt off in the house. Let your Aunt enjoy the happiness he brings, if he starts cooking man that is when the heartaches begin. I have had several neighbors from India and some of the stuff they cook man, it would make your eyes well with tears. Perhaps you should write about your experiences, it sounds like a great tv show.    

  6. Sorry to bust your bubble, but your aunt is a grown woman and if she wants him in her house, that is her business.  It is her life and you have a choice, either get used to him being there or move somewhere else.

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