
What is up with all this talk about 360 closing down??

by  |  earlier

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can someone please tell me what has been going on with this?? i honestly havent really paid much attention to it until now (nothing gets past me lol).




  1. not heard much about that.  Rather I've heard other matter than  Yahoo has received offers to buy them out!  Microsoft was the lowest offer amongst the others that offered to by them out so I heard..   CNET,  ZENITH DATA,  SCOTT PARKER,  COREL,  NETSCAPE   have been accused of making offers  higher than Microsoft did!   I suspect  if Yahoo gets sold that Yahoo might keep the 360 portion and sell everything else of Yahoo services!  I will quit yahoo if they get rid of the 360 area, excepting If the 360 is replaced by someother program that's at least just as good!

  2. This blog was posted months ago about Yahoo closing 360.

  3. They have been talking about it for months. It will be replaced with Mash.



    You can check with questions about transition of Yahoo 360

    also another blog there called evolution of 360

    They are late in getting the transition going

    because it should have started in January - March 2008

    Yahoo 360 is going through a transition

    for now the glitches are being worked around first.

    Also sign the petition to keep 360

  5. Sign the petition to save Yahoo 360

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