
What is up with dreaming so much lately, and the dreams all have the same theme, same people?

by  |  earlier

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It is not wish fulfillment either. The dreams are quite uncomfortable at some points, but are "okay," even a little fun. But three nights in a row is unusual for me, and to have the same people is even more unusual.

I'm not making outrageous claims or anything (:D) but usually my dreams "mean" something and "come true" in part. So...anyone else like that?




  1. Of course different dream in different people.All people have different dreams..

    (But i wish that i have a same dream to the same people...)

  2. If you've been catching up on missed sleep in the past few days, that will increase the frequency of your dreams.

    Your subconscious could be attempting to communicate some important information, as I usually find meaning in my dreams (sometimes have to look a little harder). But then again human nature has it that we can find meaning in anything no matter how insignificant (synergistic association).

    I noticed my dreams follow this rule - any location i'm familiar with in the real world always appears different in the dream realm.

    To this day i've never had control over my dreams. If only I can master lucid dreaming - how fun could sleep become!


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