
What is up with fuel prices these days!? It sukk's!! Where is this going?

by Guest32650  |  earlier

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What is up with fuel prices these days!? It sukk's!! Where is this going?




  1. Monopoly.

  2. The government could stop it.By stopping banks and large corporations for buying and selling stock,which raises the prices.See they have billions to invest to make a one or two day profit.This drives stocks and oil higher.

    or take the money they give Iraq for police cars that get blown up,and just buy up the stocks,and hold them.They are losing money anyway.Better to lose for people who work and pay taxes.

  3. If we do not invest in renewable energy, we will pay $15 per gallon in 10 years or if we get a 100mpg car 15 years. Do nothing for 30 years and the price is $30 per gallon. Can anyone say inflation? See I will get all of my SS-it just will not buy anything to live on. The earth has peaked in oil production...

  4. I am all for finding cheaper and more environmentally friendly ways for fuel. After hours and hours of research I finally came across a product that actually allows you to convert water to use fuel. It sounds a bit far fetched but it actually works! Check out the site for more information - I strongly reccomend it if you are looking to save lots of money and help our environment at the same time!!!


  5. If you check Europe, you will find that the prices have barely changed, BUT it was apx. $7.00 gallon.  (THAT explains WHY they have such a good public transport system.  MOST people there can NOT afford to drive much!)

    OUR prices in the US have been kept artificially low for more than 50 years!!  NOW we are STARTING to learn the TRUE cost of our "way of life"!  (The low fuel price we had is one of the primary reasons we don't have good public transport in most areas!!)

  6. It due to the decline of the dollar

  7. Up farther...  You can look up today's price on the site below.

    Hope you don't live too far from work...

  8. Agreed!  The d**n oil mongers!  Let's do our best to put these ppl out of business.  They cause way too much turmoil  (hmmm... turm "oil"...sounds like a conspiracy theory! LOL!).  Buy a hybrid or a smaller car.  I have a honda civic.  I am paying over $30/gallon, but I guess it could be worse.

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