
What is up with her?

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my freind makes me soo mad sometimes i want to punch her for being this way:

1.she talks like a three year old when on the phone with someone older then her.

2.she is always right ALWAYS anything anyone says is wrong

and if someone proves her wrong she says "whatever just drop it"

3.physicaly and mentaly forcefull,i told her i didnt want to go up in a stunt and she grabed me and shook me trying to get me to do it then i tried to pull away and she kicked me away! tries to make her bro to do things he doesnt want to he is three and

she argues with him cause he doesnt want to go underwater?

4.argues with her 3 year old bro constantly i mean she is 12,wtf?

5.thinks that they can do absolutley NOTHING to keep her dog from running all over the block and wonders why people get pissed when her dog agravates other dogs and s***s in peoples yards and says they just cant watch the dog do its bizz then let in or put it on the chain!

6.she knows i have anxiety problems and still picks

2 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

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2 hours ago

at me she has more haters then freinds,for this same reason,i know i shouldnt have posted this but i have no other ideas,what should i do i cant stop being her freind cause she is a nice person deep down,but...idk what to do can you help me? or tell me why she does this?




  1. You should be saying all this to her, not random people on yahoo answers. Obviously, deepm down you have some issues with her.Everyone has their faults. You either accept them or deal with 'em face to face. When she bothers you kindly point it out to her from time to time, hopefully she'll resolve them. Or have a sit down with her and discuss what is causing you to be angry.

  2. Why do you think she is a nice person "deep down"?  Even if so, why does that make you be her friend?  This means you approve of her behavior.  After all, if it wasn't okay, you wouldn't stil be hanging around her, right?

    It's a very, very common thing to feel like only you see the "real person" who is "nice deep down inside".. and surely if you can just only help, that person will change and be what you think they really are.  ****THIS RARELY, IF EVER, WORKS**** If you stick around and cover up her problems, that means she doesn't have to deal with them.  You can't change other people; they have to want to change. And if you help her stay the way she is, by sticking around, tolerating what you seem to be saying is bad, apologizing for her, then she can let you be responsible for her instead of learning to be responsible for herself.

    The most honest thing you can do for both of you is tell her what you've told us.  Tell her that you can't take this kind of behavior, and you won't tolerate it; if for example, she starts arguing with you, you might stop talking to her until she stops.  Or simply leave.

  3. she is probably looking for attention because she feels insecure. try and compliment her and it mght boost her confidence.
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