
What is up with me and this guy? PLEASE ANSWER?

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So last year me and this guy at school liked each other but we only ever flirted a little. He kissed me, one time and that was it. I didn't talk to him at a ll this summer. And then on last Monday (the first day of school). He was waiting for me in the lunch line. I just looked up and there he was looking all super hot in his his new curly hair.... but anyways he surprised the h**l out of me and I couldn't get my brain to form a coherent question. So I was standing there babbling like an idiot. Then he started staring at me with an expression that was kind of a mix between "This girls crazy. but I like her". But after I saw him staring my heart stopped working for a second. And all I could think was "I gotta get away from this guy before he has me locked up in an institution" So I kinda just like murmured "okay gotta go bye" I think he thought I was blowing him off because a few minutes later when I was in the line where you pay for your food I was like "oh hey you again" and then the whole room seemed to be super silent and awkward. That happened last week and we haven't talked since. I want to talk to him but I'm not sure if he wants me to. Plus I'm afraid I might start babbling like an idiot again.





  1. Hah, okay.

    You just need to collect yourself, and then seek him out. Tell him that you know he probably thinks that you're crazy, but you were just having a stressful week, and if he took offense, you completely did not mean it. Just be really sweet and apologetic, and from there on, talk more and more.  

  2. Yeah he definitely wants you to approach him again. He wouldn't take the trouble to wait for you in the lunch line if he wasn't interested in you, right? And it might help to plan out what you're gonna say BEFORE you meet him. haha Hope this helps!!

    P.S. Please answer my question:;...

  3. First of all you need to calm down. Stop thinking of him as the best thing that happened on the Earth. Then you maybe able to talk to him normally.  

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