
What is up with men and not being able to cut there own toe nails ? ?

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Does your husband ask you to cut his toe nails to ?




  1. No! He cuts his own...he's an adult.

    I wouldn't do it anyway, I hate feet.

  2. Don't do it for him.  That is degrading.

  3. Haha. My husband always asks me cut his toe nails. I hate it and try to tell him to do it himself but he wont, then they get really long and cut my feet up in bed. Drives me nuts.

  4. Yes and I do not have a problem cutting his toe nails.  He has bought tampons and yeast infection products for me without any problem

  5. Well, he may be too fat or inflexible, but if that is not the case, only do it if you don't mind doing it. If it's the least little chore, or disgusting to you, or if you just don't feel like pampering him to this level ~ then don't

    I am a married, inflexible 58 year old man and I always cut my own nails. I do cut my wife's toe nails because she enjoys it and is also somewhat inflexible, at least in this way. Lately, I've painted her toenails, which I'm not crazy about doing but what the h**l.

  6. I have never had a guy ask me to do that. If my husband did I would laugh in his face. Or vomit.  

  7. I ask my wife while were watching T.V. every now and then. I do that just to iratate her sometimes!! She absolutely hates that! And i cut them myself!

  8. My ex husband used to ask me to do his because he was so friggin fat he couldnt do it...effing sick!

    My boyfriend now, he does his own but once he waited and they got long and he scratched me in bed so I grabbed his foot and trimmed them down and told him this was not going to become a habit.  However he likes to go and get pedicures with thats nice.  

  9. Umm no.  Mine cuts his own toe nails.  

  10. nope, never touched his foot when he was around, now my 12 yr old, I have to chase him down and sit on him to get him to trim them. Well I did, he finially started doing it himself with his best friend (a girl) painted his toenails while he was asleep on the couch. (yes I knew about it and helped her)

  11. They believe wives should pamper them and do pedicures.  Tell him to go to a salon.

  12. I don't mess with my wife feet she doesn't mess with mine

  13. Mine does cut his own, usually before I even have to complain that he scratched me with them in bed.

    However, I do remember my grandmother doing this for my grandfather and as much as it grossed me out as a kid, I will help the guy out when he hits that point of not being able to do it himself – but he will have to reciprocate!  

  14. what the h**l!!?!?!?!? im a guy and i can do it myself!? wtf is that about:O first time i hear that

  15. Well you know, some of us men are just too old to be able to move our legs close enough to our hands.  And yet others have far too big of a stomach to even see our feet much less cut our own toe nails.

    Ahh dangit, i dropped my mouse, guess ill have to get the wife to pick that up for me when she gets home, im too fat and old to do it myself.

  16. Since they're the hardest, it's alot easier if you soak the big toes (one on each side) in your mouth for awhile first!  

    Softens 'em up!

  17. Sorry , we are not that flexible sometimes to reach that far, but that's why we have wife that are pedicures

  18. My husband does it. Its not hard for him.

  19. No.  He cuts his own toenails in the family room while watching TV.  GROSS!  Luckily, he uses a magazine or something to catch the clippings and throws them away.  he also does his own laundry.  The other day, I thought I was dreaming, but he was vacuuming the carpet.  Weirder things could happen!

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