
What is up with my 13 yo sister and the internet?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I walk past her on the computer she flicks off the screen. If I ask to use the computer she quickly goes off msn, habbo and deletes the computer history/cookies. I have tried confronting her about it, but all I get is hostility. This has become a real issue. I'm worried about what she may be doing online.

What do I do?




  1. sit down with her one day and tell her that u need 2 know what she is doing! never heard of Habbo (haha i know i'm lame) but from what other ppl said it sounds kinda bad. just make sure she isn't doing inappropriate stuff on MySpace or Facebook or whatever. just give her a little talk. Lecture her if u have to. i personally hate it whenever my mom lectures me but then i have no choice but 2 actually listen 2 what she is saying. she'll probably be forced 2 listen 2 u too.

    hope i helped!

  2. She is only 13, so I think that an adult in the house, should monitor what she is doing. My sister is 12, and I will often ask her if I can have a look through her myspace when she stays the night at my house. I would rather be sure she is safe, then regret it if anything happened

  3. She probably just wants privacy.

  4. If there a video camera or something you could record her secretly? It could be she's doing something that she shouldn't be maybe 'p**n/adult sites' and all. Or maybe shes talking to someone that she shouldn't be and saying things she shouldn't. Or maybe an unknown boyfriend. Do your parents know? Make sure they know that this is happening so they can keep an eye out too.

  5. She probably is talking to people about private things that she does not want her family to know about, I'm 15 and I know that I say stuff on messenger that I don't want people to read

  6. i'm 13 and i hate when my mom looks at the computer when im on it. i do the smae thing but i just do myspace and talk to boys :]

  7. kay first of all ignore what basicly everyone on here said.

    i really doubt shes looking up p**n somewhere out in the open when people are still awake.

    its really annoying how adults think that just cause were teenagers were always doing innapropriate things on the internet.

    habbo is fine. ive been on it and yes some people ask you to cyber but you just dont answer them lol

    im the same way with my mom. she even looks over i close everything off. i just have a real issue with privacy, like most teenagers do.

    i dont know what it is i just REALLY dont like my mom or dad seeing anything i do. even though all i do on the computer is go on msn, vampirefreaks, yahoo answers and shop online.

    if your that worried just talk to her. ask her why she doesnt like you seeing anything she does. im almost 99.9 percent positive shell say the same thing i told you.

    and you could give her a quick talk about the "dangers of the internet" or whatever. you know, like goving out personal info, talking to people she doesnt know, etc.

    dont make her show you what she does or push her off the computer or whatever some of these people told you to do.

    shell be very pissed at you for doing that cause shell think that you think shes stupid and untrustworthy even if thats completely untrue.

    trust me, i know these things lol

    im 14.


  8. she's probably just saying stuff on msn she wouldn't want you to know about, she might have a boyfriend or something. But what you do want to watch is habbo. Cause she is probably talking to strangers and stuff and if she is saying stuff she doesn't want you to know about to strangers you could have a problem.

  9. Well, sounds volient I know but just push her off one day and check everything.

    It doesnt sound like your going to get info any other way, push her off without letting her do ANYTHING and lock her in her room or something.

    Good luck...

  10. she is just probably talking about stuff she doesnt want you to know. but let her have her privacy. dont get nosy because she will get mad and never tell you anything. im sure you wouldnt want people trying to get into your business.

  11. Well I know that Habbo is real dangerous- everybody wants you to have webby s*x and stuff.

    So what she might be doing is hooking up with them on Habbo, talking to them on MSN but sending them fake piccys from the net like p**n pics. So- when she has a toilet break, run to the computer and check. Or even better, use one of those screen recording things off the net and record her day.

    And yes, you should be worried. Although, Kudos for her to delete the computer history!

  12. talk to your mom or dad?

    go into control penal and block the sights that you think it is.

    get your mom and dad to put in spy programmes into the computer also so that would be able to tell them where she is going and what is going on they just need to set it up right and activate it properly

    but really let your parents know what is going on

    Good luck  

  13. okay whatever you do, don't become the annoying, overbearing, 'I'm older so I know it all and anything your keeping from me is stupid' older sister.  GOD that will get you no where.  She's a thirteen year old girl, did YOU want HER to know about everything you did on the internet when you were thirteen? it's probably nothing.  if your really concerned then ask her several casual pointed questions about her online activity.

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