
What is up with my 360?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so all of my really old messages will not go away! I tried deleting ones that were expired but they will not move even though it says "successfully been deleted"

I don't get why it is also not allowing some others I tried to invite as friends to be on my friend list....anyone know what is up? Does anyone else have this problem? I never know if there is a new message because my old ones stay there and some have given me new messages but they are not showing up--




  1. yes mine is doing that too. & i dont get e-mails when i get a message now either. I am really frustrated wiht it! but I hear that Yahoo is going to make a new sorta unit called MASH - you have to be invited to get into it & I was & it doesnt work!

    good luck - nice to see ya

  2. Sounds like a variant of my Reviews situation; I posted a Question on remaining bugs in general, at:

    As I understand things, you may have run into one of the remaining bugs in Y! 360; I'm requesting more info from other users as a what-to-expect, while work on the next My Yahoo! proceeds.  Y! 360 Team has frozen all bug fixes, as R&D is being concentrated on the My Yahoo! redesign.  I haven't had to delete old messages to date on Y! 360, but thanks for the heads up on one particular problem to anticipate.

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