
What is up with my cat????

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When I go to take my shower my cat sits at the door of the shower and cries( meows) over and over even tries to get in the shower with me. when I get out hes fine only when I'm in the shower does he act this way. This morning he kept peeking around the shower curtain. Is he mad at me for taking a shower or what? Its not really a problem just curious about his behavior. Thanks for any advice




  1. I have had cats do that too! They are just playing and curious (maybe excited) about what you are doing. Most cats are curious about water but hate it so they act funny. Hope this helps!

  2. She could be fearful that you are being harmed by the water, as most cats do not like water. She may also be upset that you are separated from her because she cannot get to you physically when you are in the water, where she refuses to be.

  3. Let him get in the shower ! I think he likes the water.

  4. your cat is really connected to you!  The cat thinks that your the pet and hes the owner, which has much truth to it.  Of course if your cat, lets say, runs away, you would feel sad right?  But sence in the cats mind, hes the owner, he is sad when he can't see you!

  5. Oh yeah mii cat does tht too!!!!

    i think he tryna save u lol mabye because it doesent like water but it thinks u dont either

  6. he just wants to be with you. see you.

  7. no he's just lonely

  8. you know its really funny, my one year old cat does the same thing. She will cry at the door, open the door, paw at the water when I'm takng a bath, or sit at the shower curtain and meow when I'm in the shower. I think it's just a cat thing personally. they are curious and attached and the thing with my cat was she didn't like the sound of the water running. She doesn't even like it when she hears it rain outside.

    But no...there's nothing wrong with your cat or anything. It's not a problem. He's curious and needy. And mad that he can't be with you at that moment.

  9. The cat might be hungry and wants to get your attention to get fed. Maybe the cat is really attached to you want likes to be with you. Or maybe that cat is wondering why your drenching yourself in water... afterall cats do hate water.

  10. Your cat may have a social disorder this can be treated with therapy, medication and electric shock treatment please consult a cat mental health professional.

  11. maybe your cat used to be a pedo in its past life

    or maybe its curious about the sound of the water  

  12. My cat cries when I'm outside.  He sits at the window and meows like crazy.  Sounds like your cat is doing the same thing.  Sounds like your cat is worried about you.  He can usually be around you, and can't when your in the shower.  Talk to your cat while your in the shower, maybe this will comfort it a little.  

  13. I have a cat that is similar. He doesn't actually meow when I am in the shower but does try to get in and seems annoyed that I am in his space because he also likes to lay around in the tub and will only drink from a dripping shower, which he has now trained my other cat to do. So I have to leave it drip. I adopted him 6 months ago  and he was sick when I got him so it took forever to figure out why he would whine at me when I was in the bathroom. Now he just chirps at me whenever I come into "his" room to do anything and he chills in the tub.

  14. I think that your cat wants to get in the shower with you too, next time bring your cat with you, unless you're embarrased if your cat sees you naked...

  15. is he or she neutered? if he/she isnt then that might be why

  16. Not a big deal. He is just attached to you and isn't sure what's going on. Curious cat is curious.

  17. I think he might be scared of whats happening in  there and also he might just miss you iv had a cat before i know what you mean.

  18. the cat odviosly loves u very much and wants to be with u, let it come in the shower with u, unless u are imbarresed about the cat seing u exposed.

  19. My cat does this all the time. I think she thinks im going to get hurt or something because shes terrified of water. She actually bit my leg one time right as I was stepping in the tub. It's nothing really. I think it's kinda cute and funny.

  20. A lot of cats are curious about what's going on behind the curtain or door, when a person that they love is taking a shower.  Just look out at him every so often, so he knows you're still there and ok....and talk to him while you're showering.  That will reassure him that everything is alright, and you haven't abandoned him.

    Funny how so many cats act this way......:-)

    Enjoy your cat.....He loves you very much.

  21. Funny!  I have a cat like that who won't shut up his meower when I'm taking a bath!  Maybe they get excited somehow, like it's raining and a storm is coming?  

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