
What is up with people making new products people can't afford them because they don't have jobs?

by  |  earlier

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honestly who has the money to buy the things people make the newest thing i saw was a t.v. that was also a computer who needs that honestly i mean its good america is getting smarter and knows how to make things like this but really who do they think will buy this people don't have money because they don't have jobs gas is going up so now others need to choose between food or gas these things they make and the way they present them makes people want them then look where they are they have even less money then they had before commercials and the companies are just making it harder to keep money because all they do is dangle some new invetion in front of our faces and we actually go buy it sometimes when we don't really need just beacause human nature makes us curious and want these things companies put on commercials so they are just playing on human nature which is making us lose even more money then gas makes us lose




  1. I have a job. I have money. So why can't companies keep making stuff so I can keep buying it? As long as I'm not using your tax dollars to buy it, why should you care? I work hard, pay my bills, what I buy after that is my business.

  2. You answered your own question...they make them and advertise the products, because people will buy them.

    And the companies aren't making us lose money.  People that have no self control and can't realize when they can't afford something lose their own money.

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