
What is up with the GOP campaign buttons?

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I caught sight of a couple of old coots wearing campaign buttons tonight that said things about "Hot VP" and supporting the "Hot Chick". Is that how the GOP plans on winning votes? Very Tacky.

What does being "Hot" have to do with being able to step into the role of VP and possibly President if need be? Doesn't seem a like a very good qualification, does it?




  1. What does having a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant have to do with anything?  Thats what the libs keep harping on.

    The funny thing is that - having served as Mayor and Governor, she's actually more qualified to be PRESIDENT than Obama.

  2. That's all the hot chick has going for her.  Did you listen to her speech.  Her delivery?  LOL!

  3. Evidently the whole party is going to treat her as the trophy VP.

    I'm glad you noticed that Fox is the only one talking about her pregnant daughter!

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