
What is up with the Yahoo story this morning about Obama bracing for racist ads?

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if this isn't race baiting i don't know what is.




  1. The Obama campaign seems to want race to be an issue.  They are the ones that have twisted the words of others to say what they want.  (See Clinton's words on RFK - about primary timing not about Obama assassination.).  Only Obama will be helped if there is any race issues brought up during the general election campaign.  His people would love to see it so they can cry foul.

  2. The Democrats will scream "racist " whenever Obama is criticized for anything , even if it has nothing to do with race .

  3. Did you even read the article? John McCain agrees and is bracing against them, too. Neither of them want race to be an issue.

  4. Well lets face it, so much of the media loves Obama, that anything McCain does will only get twisted against him.

    As for the raceiest factor, see the state of West Virginia, in the primaries, in fact see all battleground states and then tell me what you think.

    It's not pretty, but its the world we still live in today.

    I'm not voting for him just because he hasn't done anything yet, ie look at his income in the past 15 years, not one cent from anything but government funding/programs. No real job, how's he going to relate to me working 2 jobs over 80 hours a week?

  5. What's better is the story's use of the Swiftboaters as an example.  So far in the election, the Swiftboaters have been after McCain, calling him a traitor.

    No mention of that in the article though.  I wonder why?

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