
What is up with the number 23?

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For a few years now I've been seeing two numbers – 23 & 223. This started long before I saw the movie 'the number 23', which was a bad movie. The only thing I got out of that movie was that I wasn't the only one who saw the number 23 everywhere. I find it in a lot of places too. The time it takes google to load the search results, lines from TV shows, the size of a file, the show lost has 23 episodes in a session, and I just thought of asking this question after seeing 2:23 displayed on my cable box. Most of the time I don't think anything of it, but I was surprised to find out that the skull & bones society uses the number 322 a lot. Anyone know anything about this?




  1. This happens to a lot of people ...with different numbers. Google Numerology or Angel Numbers or Numbers that keep popping up (or something like that).

  2. It's called confirmation bias.  The number I have chosen as significant is 67.  It was my high school football number, so I seem to see it more frequently than any other.  The fact of the matter is I see random numbers all the time.  The only time I take notice is when I see a number to which I have assigned special significance.

  3. I am the exact same way.  Except with the number 13.  It started when I was 13.  It is every where.  13 original colonies, 13 stars on the first flag.  right before I answered here there were 4 answers 1+3.  713 pop ups blocked. 23~Two numbers cut out the 2. 03 ,1number left 3+1 flip, 1+3 13.  223. 2+2 3  4 3 4-3=1 1+3 13.  I see it everywhere.  The clock stops at 12, why doesn't it go to 13?  why is the unluckiest day of the year Friday the 13?  Why does the prophecised end  of the world (Dec. 21, 2012) end the world only a few days before the year 2013?  

    Why does all of this freak me out?

  4. I am not sure when the concept of time was invented but I am guessing it has been around long before you came around. And the time of 2:23 will continue to come twice daily after you are gone. When you look for a number you will find it because you are looking. I play poker and sometimes it seems as though certain numbers follow your @ss around for weeks. There is no conspiracy.

  5. The voices in your head might not be real, but they sure have some good ideas.

    1...2...3... Ker-razy!!!

  6. Number sequences happen everywhere all the time. You just have the number 23 in your head because the movie you saw had an impact on you. You know sh_t happens?

  7. honestly i think its all in peoples heads, they're superstitious to begin with then they think they see something, someone, or hear it everywhere.

  8. Its also on the label of Dr. Pepper. (that kind of popped out at me right after watching the movie)

    What you should have gotten from the movie is that its a number game you are playing in your own head. You see tons of numbers everyday, but the number 23 stands out because you are looking for it, even if you arent looking consciously.

    Once you set your mind down a path like that, its hard to put it down. What you have to realize is there is nothing significant about the number. It doesnt occur more frequently then other numbers. You just see it more because you ignore other numbers.

  9. Hey, don't worry, you're not alone out there. I have the same problem with the numbers 4 and 12. I was born on the day 4/21, and i have had strange experiences with both 4 and 12. especially 12....without planning it, i adopted all 3 of my cats on the 12th. my pet died on the 12th day. my sister sprained her ankle on the 12th day. it goes on....and it seems that every time i look at the clock it says 4:21...maybe you're just paranoid? but REMEMBER the numbers 23 & 223 throughout your life--maybe it's something that can help you in the future. cheers!

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