
What is up with the whole "vampires are real" deal?

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I have found a ton of people that think that they are real vampires or vampire "hunters". The more I read, the more intrigued I am by it, and the more questions I have. I just keep trying to learn things about it. I'm considering doing a term paper over it. People honestly think they are vampires? Or that they are "slayers" or "hunters"? More importantly, you actually find people that give you their blood? Or you actually kill people you think are vampires? The human stomach isn't designed to digest large amounts of blood. How do you drink it??? It's an honest question, there's no flaming or insults at all intended, I'm simply curious. Thanks,





  1. their are such things as vampires but not the way that people think they dont suck your blood  or turn into bats  vampires are people who sleep during the day and come out at night because they dont like the dark.

  2. Vampires are real. There's a whole sub-culture of people who call themselves "vampires" because they were born with an energy deficiency. This then leads them to get the energy from either blood or a life force called "chi".

    And yes, you can find people who will give you their blood. Family members or friends that understand there is a need for it will sometimes give it to the vampire. Other times, some people find it highly erotic to share blood with a sexual partner. Almost no vampire kills for blood. The amount of blood that someone would need is far less than it would take for someone to bleed to death.

    It's not so much the blood that is needed but the energy that is contained within it. And being that blood is the what keeps humans alive, it would make sense that energy would be contained within it.

  3. depends what u define as vampires.... there are people who drink human blood, i've met some one who did drink human blood when he could get it, but there are also people who feel that they NEED to have it... if theyre lucky, people, like their friends or partners, will give them blood to drink.  and they dont drink a lot of it, im not sure but i think its usually only like a quarter of a cup, not much.  havent heard of vampire slayers or hunters in the modren sense before though.  

  4. dude if you think vampires aren't real look at goerge bush ( no sorry) they are real one wanted my blood last week until i cut its head off

  5. pretty sure vampires are not real, anyone claiming to be a vampire hunter has it pretty easy considering there..... aren't any.

    It was a book that started the whole vampire thing a long while ago and story turned to myth turned to vampires are real.

  6. well, im sure that there are no such things as vampires, im 12 but my friend keeps telling me i am one, cause of pale skin, sharp canine teeth, and fast reflexes, but i think that people just see the simptomes in books and movies  and convince themselves that they are pale sharp theeth people that drink blood.

    so i guess that there are no vampires, just about 5 percent of me thinks theyr reall but propbobly not.

  7. well i think mainly because there are people who do drink blood because they have a disease so their blood cant produce the nutrients that other people have so they have to drink others blood to live

  8. I'm amazed as well.

    The entire vampire thing was based on a real person by the name of Vlad Tepes who was born in 1431 in Romania.  He was more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler, and also known as Dracul.  Through the years it was changed to Dracula.

    He got the name Vlad the Impaler since back in the day, impaling your victims was a popular way to invoke fear.  Very interesting story; factual story; but vamps are based on that and what hollywood has created.

    I just wish people would investigate instead of spreading rumors.

  9. Check out and

    Mind you, these are sites set up to "advertise" a new series "True Blood" that HBO is putting out in Sept.  But if you look at the forums on blood copy you'll find a lot of VERY confused people! Plus, they're kind of a hoot to view. The folks that came out with this campaign are geniuses!  

  10. I think most of these people are people who have confused role-playing with real life. Like they are so enchanted by the idea of pretending to be a vampire that they have actually convinced themselves they are one. It makes the whole "game" more immersive.

  11. In a way people can be like vampires.  There is a disease known as porphyria, which is basically a mutation where certain Heme enzymes are damaged.  The disease usually shows a pale skin tone, photosensitivity, the gums tend to recede making it look like someone has rather large canine teeth. Because the disease is caused by a damage in the way blood removes wastes, some believe that the protein from someone else's blood can make them feel less sickly but this is unknown.

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