
What is up with these things in T&T?

by  |  earlier

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I have a problem with the following things we do in T&T and I want to know what all yuh t'ink.

1) What is up with celebrating Halloween? Wha that come from and why we cah just be we and leave the yankee thing alone.

2) Icicles hanging from the roof at Christmas time. Nuff said.

3) Going to a certain bar in Movie Town and they doh play no soca music for you to listen to.




  1. Man, I so fed up wid dis nonsense! Halloween has Satanic roots all the way through....absolutely nothing redeeming about it whatsoever and we, a God-fearing country, allow our children to participate just because we see it on TV? When I explained what this 'holiday' is all about to my children, they would have absolutely nothing to do with it. They get teased about from other children but they are standing up firm for Jah and Jesus.

    The icicles...I have lived in Canada and the US and I doh even want the real ones on meh house! Ah go BUY dem?? You mad or what?

    Movie Town is just wannabee American nonsense and I don't go there for nobody. People and dey Yankee accents just from standing in that place! Ugh!

  2. Unfortunately we still have the attitude that once something comes from "away", it is better than anything we have locally. We just HAVE to follow de Yankee ting. I did not grow up celebrating Halloween and I eh celebrating de blame ting now I living "away"...steups.

    Icicles???? Give meh a kiss meh foot break eh!

    Until we as a nation learn to love ourselves and what is ours FIRST, this sort of nonsense will continue.

    Love up we people! Love up we music! Love up we culture!

    Love up we country!

  3. well my friend i totally agree wid u

    what de h**l we in HOTTT trini doin wid icicles???  yes we appreciate in xmas and how it is associated with snow and all that. buh dyse for other countries who have the 4 seasons. we have our own culture and what we associate wid xmas so y again y icicles???

    and halloween???


    halloween in trinidad?

    yes we have our folklore and all tht bout papa bois, lagahoo and soconyant, but we dont have halloween

    and dah bar in movie town buss!!!!!!!!!!!

    we as a people need to embrace out culture and little more. having sed tht we cannot change the fact tht american influences will always find a way into our culture. this is due to media. we cant expect to watch cable and not have our lives, society and culture impacted.

  4. Its call CABLE TV. and too many of our parents and relatives living in the USA/Canada.  Allyuh know that we like to follow fashion.  what ever the US have must be good enough for us.

    What is the purpose of Halloween in the first place?  We have taken it up without finding out how it came about.

    We listen to enough traditional christmas music for us to know that in order for us to have a great christmas we must have snow....thus icicles.....and icicle lights.

    My question is why would you have a great big 6' blown up snowman on your front yard.  or santaclause with reindeers on your have chimneys for him to come down?

    I have another question...why do we have madre gras parties with beads? do you know what most people do at madre gras to EARN those beads? are we insinuating that we are doing the same?

    people come on, not every thing we see we must copy!

  5. Ah wonder if ah go tuh any other country if ah go hear dem playing we music, or serving we food or celebrating we holidays. Nahhh, doh think so.

    So I eh in dem Halloween ting, we have Jorvert morning for dat. (ole mas).

    Icicles hanging? ah does ketch meh nene tuh hang up curtains, much less for icicles.

    Certain bar in Movie Towne... mmm cyar afford dat nah. ah go right down de road here.

  6. Halloween is not all satanic and yeah it's stupid that when trini's go visit they come back speaking like u no what and the icicles hanging i love winter as for the bar thing i do not drink i will enjoy a nice movie at home with my husband and kids though other than that i think certain people need a reality check

  7. I agree with Hotta - Foreign TV has influenced us greatly.  Monkey see, Monkey do!

    Icicles lights - oh please, Christmas 2008 - look out for man made snow on our lawns!  

    Any establishment that doesn't play Soca (at least periodically) should be closed down

    Nuff Said!!

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