
What is ur comment about Saiful swearing on the Quran inside the mosque?

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What is ur comment about Saiful swearing on the Quran inside the mosque?




  1. no comment.

    is anwar going to swear too?

  2. a brave move and we just wait lah....coz one of the greatest sins is to take HIM for granted....

  3. what he swears in public do not matter but what he tell his wife

  4. I think he is brave because he is swearing in front of the public in the Masjid......but I'm wondering why anwar want to "liwat" a man,why not woman?

  5. Like the newspaper say .... that the swearing upon Quran has no "legal bearing"...

  6. "Allah Maha Mengetahui"..

    If hes swearing for the truth, good. if not, i can say nothing....

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