
What is ur fave state?

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mine is Florida.




  1. same!!

  2. You didn't say it had to be an American one so I am putting my vote in for Queensland in Australia. Gorgeous beaches, friendly relaxed people and a mixture of all the nationalities in the world.

    In the USA probably Arizona is my favourite so far - just can't beat the Grand Canyon but I would also love to see Oregon.

  3. FLORIDA! There is just so much to do there and most of the time it is hot!

  4. I love Florida too....I live in Jacksonville.  I also love Oregon too, but Florida is my favorite, because it is home :)

  5. My top 5

    1. California

    2. Florida

    3. Hawaii

    4. Alaska

    5. Idaho

  6. Nevada cause all da gamblling + it's home

  7. ~california



  8. TN
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