
What is ur favorite joke SUN SIGNS PLZZ?

by  |  earlier

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it doesnt have to be a joke about sun signs though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Any joke.. i laugh at almost anything hahahaha!

  2. A traveling salesman sees a pig with a wooden leg, and asks the farmer why his pig has a wooden leg.

    The farmer says "Let me tell you about that pig. That's a special pig. One day my son almost drowned in the pond, but that pig jumped in and pulled him to safety. Saved my son's life!"

    The salesman say "OK... but why does the pig have a wooden leg?"

    The farmer says "Let me tell you some more about that pig. That's one very special pig. One night we were all asleep, and the house caught fire. That pig kicked in the front door, ran around squealing, woke us all up and put out the fire and saved the house!"

    The salesman say "OK, OK, it's a special pig... but why does he have a wooden leg?"

    The farmer says "You don't get it do ya? A pig that valuable... you don't eat him all at once!"


    I am a Capricorn with a sick sense of humor...

  3. gemini , jupiter in saggy

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