
What is ur favorite "quote" ?

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mine is

"one joint a day keeps the DR away" =D

answer this one plz




  1. lol thats good

    mine "dont dream your life, live your dream"

  2. "Oblivion is goal/goal is oblivion". Jorge Lui Borges.

  3. It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    Where there's a will there's a relative.

  4. “ Love is long as it Lasts”

  5. Life too is precious to waste - to spend on anything but the best

  6. "You must BE the change you wish to see in the world"

  7. How many abodigitals do you see male modelling? >.<

  8. Ha ha good one.

    One of my many faves is:"You can complain that roses have thorns. Or you can rejoice that thorns have roses"

    Its about being positive.

  9. just like my sargent once told me.....

    "MEN, 50 of you are going into the jungle, but,

    25 of you are coming back, good luck"

  10. I am the most humble person in the world , ask anyone  

  11. you win some and you lose some, but if you lose, you're not done yet.

  12. care for those who care for u n

    never make any promise when u r happy or any decision when u r sad

  13. When there is a will, there is a way

  14. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. :)

  15. "Even if it's a lie, even if it's a dream, please turn to me.

    Your smile on a certain day isn't a lie, it's not a dream.

    But having it turn to me might be my lie, my dream.

    But the day you call my name, it won't be a lie, it won't be a dream.

    It's never been a lie, it's never been a dream that I love you."

    Noriko Nakagawa (Female student no. 15) in Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

  16. Every visible thing in this world , is put under a charge of an ANGEL !  

  17. 'Give them nothing but take from them everything'

    Leonidus in 300 :D

  18. ambition is for those with not enough sense to be lazy

    i tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose

    smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and everyone thinks your on drugs

  19. "s*x is the body's natural medicine"  :) :)

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