
What is ur favourite season?

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wats ur favourtie season and why dont u like the others?

my favourite season is winter coz i luv snow and the cold. I dont like summer coz it gets too hot. spring gives me hayfever lol and autumn is ok but i luv winter lol =)




  1. summer & winter.

    i'm living in a tropical country, so it never gets that could.

  2. Autumn

    Not to hot and I like to search mushrooms

  3. hmmm well punky dunky i would say probably actually i like all the seasons they all have good and bad structures to them like summer is good because you can do all cool stuff and you feel like doing stuff but its soooo f***ing hot. and winter is good coz i luv RAIN! but winter is cold and you dont feel like doing much just rugging up. umm autumn is like a season i dont even realise is there so thats good but the worse part about that is all the  leaves everywhere. and than spring is my birthday and all the flowers are out and all new leases of animals are everywhere awwwwwww but its really  nose grabbing and cold addict that season. SO GO THE YEAR! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! wait a minute wait a minute..... spongebob...yes.....make mine chocolate....... got ya covered. hehehehehehehehehe :P

  4. I like winter too. Summer sucks cause I get a headache almost every second day because of the heat.

  5. I agree i love winter even though it dont snow is south africa booooo.....

  6. Summer.

    Fall comes at a close second, because Halloween is my favorite holiday.

  7. summer

  8. I'm exactly like you i hate summer tooooooooooooooooooooooo much because it makes me so nervous,autumn is full of emotions

  9. Its hard to pick, the best time of the year is late spring because its warm but not really hot and everything is new and fresh, the rain stops and everything looks and smells wonderful.

    Summer is too hot

    Winter is too wet and cold

    Autumn is just depressing, it gets cold wet and it alway rains on my birthday :(

    Spring rains too much at the begining

    So I don't know?

  10. summerr <3 i love the sun

  11. SUMMER!!!

    the days are long and hot and its 8 week holidays!!

    oh and its also Christmas time, so yeah...

    Chistmas time is AWESOME!!

  12. I love the season Spring and also I love winter.

    Here are the reasons:

    Spring: Well, in Spring I love some new flowers growing in it. The air is very fresh to breathe. I also like it coz our rabbits eat much food and become chubby :)

    Winter: Wow! I sooooo love this season! Because I can drink hot chocolate [[hmm..yummy!!]] and also I got to play with the snow. I can also wear my favorite winter jacket! [[color pink!]]. Me and my friends Ice Skates and many more. So I think I luv winter best :)

    Others- Autumn: I hate it coz I always clean outside coz of the falling leaves! Lol

    Summer- it’s very hawt I get very very dark! :)

    I hope you’ll choose me as the BEST ANSWER! :)

  13. id have to go with Autumn/fall

    it's not hot nor cold it's

    just rite

    and thats when my birthday is =]

    summer is TOOOO hot but winter is ok but sometimes

    just TOOOO cold

  14. Summer and Winter.

    I don't like the in-between seasons.

  15. Summer!

    beach bbqs!

    winter would be cool if it snowed, but it never does where I am.

  16. yes i love winter..

    atleast u could wrap urself in some warm clothes unlike summer..

    but it doesn't snow here..

    lucky u!!..

  17. Winter!!

  18. I love winter too. Problem is we don't experience the winter season here in the Philippines. =/

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