
What is ur most embarrassing moment?

by Guest61381  |  earlier

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what is ur most embarrassing moment?

funniest story wins!




  1. I have twp embarrassing stories. (:


    Well, a couple weeks ago, I was at this

    Marian Days thing in Missouri. It was like a

    religious gathering even though I'm not religious

    or anything. But anyways, I was walking around

    and all of a sudden, this old man picked up this

    cord that I was walking over, and I tripped. =/

    I ended up breaking my big toe, it was so embarrassing.

    OH! And another embarrassing story was at the end of

    last school year. Well, at the end of last school year,

    I was hanging out with my friends on the third floor, like

    we always do, and while I was taking a sip of my drink,

    one of my best guy friends yelled "OWW! I POPPED IT!!"

    and being the perv that I was, I took it the wrong way, and

    thought he popped his 'down there', so I ended up spitting

    my drink out, and some came out of my nose.

    It was soo embarrassing, my crush and everyone I knew

    and didn't know started laughing.

  2. My most embarassing moment was when I had lost 20lbs and went to the pool for a swim, I was still wearing my old two-peice swim suit since I had not had time to buy a new one. I got in and the water suctioned the suit to my body, as water normally does and I thought I would be okay.

    When I went to get out of the pool for a 10 minute break the entire thing fell down, exposing all of my private areas - and the worst part was there was a pool full of boys!

    I then learned my lesson, went out bought a new swimsuit which I thought was very nice, I wore it in the pool, it was a one piece so that it couldn't fall off! I get out and my sister comes up to me and goes "Cherise... did you know that your swimsuit is see-through!?"

    I quickly grabbed my towel and rushed out. That was embarassing!  

  3. ummm during my first month of high school in 1996 I walked into the boys bathroom by accident and some guy was going to the bathroom in a urinal. I don't know if he saw me or not but I was pretty embarrassed for walking into the wrong bathroom.

  4. I went to an amusement park with my 3 year old son this summer and he was on one of the rides with my brother...I looked up and he looked real sick.  Prior to him going on the ride he complained about needing to go to the we took him and he didn't go so we proceeded with the rides.  He got off the ride and told me he doesn't feel well and he needed to use the as I was taking him there...he pooped all over the ground of the amusement park and when I picked him up to run him to the bathroom, I stepped in it and it splashed up my legs.  Needless to say it wasn't one of our best moments...but it's a funny story now.  The best part was when I decided to bathe him in the sink of the ladies room.

  5. Shouting at my teacher, walking out of class, tripping on the projector's wire and falling on the way.

  6. My friends most embarrassing moment:

    In junior high, our friend (male) was getting on our nerves, so, my friends and I, 4 against 1. Stripped him of all his clothes and pushed him out of the friend door naked.

    The embarrasing part is I lived directly across from our Junior High School and there was still some students left on campus. He banged and banged on the door and screamed at us. We did not open it for like 5 minutes. Finally one of my friends decided to let him back in. He called us some stupid B's and never spoke to us again.

  7. I got up to sharpen my pencil and tripped over the overhead cord in front of the entire class. The teacher, who was a guy, tried to catch me and we ended up in a very compromising position...lmao. Good thing we both had a sense of humor and laughed it off with the rest of the class...haha.

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