
What is ur opinion over the Petrol price reduction? Do u happy? is it political motivated?

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What is ur opinion over the Petrol price reduction? Do u happy? is it political motivated?




  1. Oil prices reduced sikit aje, kedekut sangat lah! not the best. It's Our oil, Our land, Our rights, Our money!!! They are doing it for their party not for us community ok.  So selfish.  Using our money to play politics.  It's all political motivated.  Say one thing do another..I thought PM said cannot reduce oil prices at this time and now see can reduce already..I hope the ppl in Permating Pauh are not enticed with it...they think so easy to buy ppl's heart in PP so cheap...bla bla bla bla !  PP ppl are clever LOL.

  2. I do happy!

  3. It was a potlical move. The government reduced the petrol price in the hope of winning over voters in Permatang Pauh and the general support of Malaysians but the failed to realise that credit for this reduction actually goes to Anwar. People know, without Anwar contesting in the by-election, the government wouldn't have done so, at least not now. The inflation rate in Malaysia for July 2008 is the highest in more than 2 decades and this reduction will not help much in lowering the inflation rate in this country. When the government hiked the oil price few months ago, the manufacturers and traders also follow suit by increasing the prices of their products / services and they are very unlikely to reduce their prices now even the government has reduced ( albeit a little ) the oil prices. In Malaysia when prices have gone up, they never go down again.

  4. They said that the price cannot be is impossible to reduce....then they said cannot reduce before 31st they reduced already...They are trying any sort of tricks, mostly dirty, to win...That's my humble opinion...

  5. too little, i think its a sweets for pematang pauh election. it should reduce at least 30 cents

  6. When government decided to raise the petrol price because the crude oil had hit 140. Right now is only 114. Reduction of .15 isn't going to make me feel happy.

    I don't care it had political motivation or not.


  7. yea

  8. Everything is politically motivated la.

    So what if the petrol price has been reduced...have the prices of goods & services been reduced as well? there is nothing to be happy at all.

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