
What is ur pet peeves?

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Just wondering.

Mine is:

People who talk alot




  1. Getting mixed when a friend is in a bad mood so you decide to leave them be until they feel better and then they are all nice to you...until you do or say something and then they are all pissed again for no apparent reason...other than maybe you made a suggestion and they didn't like the idea. And then 5 seconds later they are all nice to you again. I hate that hot and cold c**p.

  2. Mine is the whole thing where girls stick their lips out and look like a fish!! It's mainly in photos, like on Myspace: They do the lip thing, look up or away from the camera, and flash the peace sign. IT IS SOOOOO ANNOYING!!! >=(

  3. People who text-type when on a regular keyboard.  Makes them look lazy, stupid, and foolish.

  4. When people blow their noses while at the dinner table.......yuck.

  5. Mine is People that think evrybody should see the world as they do. Also, fake wanna-be gangter's. Ok, 2 more.. People that are loud in public, because that's just the way they are, or they want attention. Finally, people that wear there collar shirts, with the collar up.

  6. People who wear sandals but clearly have dirty unkempt feet and toes. For some reason that gives me the willies. Or girls who wear chipped off nail polish. In my opinion it looks cheap.

    I have a lot more but this one stands out the most right now.

  7. Tailgaters, especially when there is clearly a car in front of me. What the heck am I supposed to do, drive through it?

    This country is full of numbskulls.

  8. i have a lot but i hate it when guys ask you a question but they dont even listen for the answer then ignore you and keep talking on and on. im like why ask a question if you dont want to hear the answer. another one is people say not to do something and then they do it themselves. very annoying. another one guys only wanna call you because they want s*x and not want to be with you. i turn them down i pass. haha okay thats all i can think of for now. bye

  9. A pet peeve I have is when people use bad grammar. Your question for example "What is ur pet peeves?" Should be What are your pet peeves?

  10. People who think they can read your mind.

  11. People who eat while they are driving.

    Parents who aren't nice to their children.

    The clothes for women (ugly prints) that are in stores.

    People who drink alcohol and drive (even a little bit).

    Guys who think women "owe them" if they buy dinner.

    Teachers who don't know how to spell.

    Journalists being wimps (not busting Bush for all his sh*t).

    People who talk during movies.

    Movies that are way too loud (all of them).

    TV commercials about getting rid of bugs.

    People who hate people because of their weight, color, sexual orientation, etc.

    People who use religion as an excuse for hating other people.

  12. my one main pet peeve is boring/overly serious people.

    i mean its like something just sucked all the fun out of your soul.

  13. Yeah mine is the same as princess. Guys ask you  question and don't even wait for the response or you give them a response and they get annoyed saying how you talk to much.

  14. 1. Incorrect grammar

    2. People who ramble.  I actually have a lot of trouble with this...sometimes I just start rambling on and on and on, and then I end up irritating myself.  I did it in this very answer, even, and had to delete a few sentences...d**n, I'm doing it again, aren't I?  I'll stop now.

  15. When I get out of a pool, and have to walk across dirt. I get small grains of dirt on the bottom of my feet, and I dont mind dirt in general. BUT I HATE HAVING DIRT ON MY FEET. Its icky.

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